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The following is the Ranked List of candidates for selection to the post of Typist on Rs. 3300-6380/- in the Kerala Financial Corporation found suitable by the Commission on the basis of the OMR Test held on 15.01.2011. arranged in the order of merit. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 13.06.2013
The Ranked List will be in force for a minimum period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force till the publication of a new Ranked List after the expiry of a minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates from this list will be advised for appointment in accordance with the rules and orders regarding reservation and rotation as amended from time to time, if applicable, against vacancies reported to the Commission during the currency of the list. As the advice for appointment depends on the occurrence of vacancies, there is no guarantee that all the candidates included in the list will secure appointment. The candidates remaining in the Ranked list at the time of cancellation of the Ranked List will have no claim at all for appointment on the basis of the inclusion of their names in the list.
Entries put in Column 7 are based on the communities specified by the candidate in their application and proved by them with necessary documents. The candidates whose communities have not been correctly noted in the list as proved by them in their application should intimate the fact to the Regional Officer,
K.P.S.C Regional Office, Kollam within one month from the date of publication of this list to get the benefit of reservation to which they are entitled to. In the absence of timely information regarding discrepancies if any, the candidate will be advised as incorporated in the Ranked List.
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Part I (a) - Kerala Service Rules
(b) - Kerala Financial Code
(c) - Kerala Treasury Code
Part II (a) - Kerala Account Code
(b) - Indian Audit and Accounts
(c) - Kerala Budget Manual
Part III - Public Works Code
Part IV Malayalam
Part V. General English
Grammar- Agreement of Subject and Verb- Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs- Comparison of Adjectives- Correct usage of Articles- Prepositions- Direct and Indirect Speech- Active and Passive Voice- Correction in Sentences-Etc Vocabulary- Gender- Singular and Plural- Synonyms- Antonyms- One word Substitutes- Problem concerning words- Idioms and their meanings-Etc
Part VI. Constitution of India
Basic Facts-Features-Citizenship- Fundamental Rights & Duties- Directive Principle-Union Government- Legislature- State Executive - Union Territories- Apex Courts- Comptroller and Auditor General- Public Service Commissions and Other Important Offices- Important Amendments- Etc.
Part VII. Civil Rights
Rights- Right to Education- Human Rights- Human Rights Commission- Right to Information- Information Commission- Social Audit- Lokayukta- Ombudsman- Women Empowerment- Women’s Commission- Legislation against Child Labour and Atrocities against women and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes- Etc.
Part VIII.
Civil Rights History of India- Period from 1857 to 1947- National Movement- Etc.
Part IX. Renaissance of Kerala Important Events/ Movements/Leaders Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, Chattampi Swami, Sree Narayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya, Ayya Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr. Palpu, Kumaranasan, Vakkom Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Etc
Part X.
Information Technology and Cyber Laws Fundamentals of Computers- Internet Etc- Cyber Laws
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
1. Quantitative Aptitude
Numbers-Test of Divisibility- H.C.F& L.C.M- Simplification - Ratio & Proportions- Percentage-Interest-Time& Work- Time& Distance- Area- Volume- Calendar – Clocks – Trains - Problems on Age - Etc.
2. Mental Ability and Test of Reasoning
Calculation & Logic -Coding & Decoding- Classification-Synonym-AntonymLetter & Number Series- Odd Man Out-Analogy- Common Sense Test- Alphabetical Arrangement of Words- Date and Calendar- Sense of Direction-Etc.
3. General Science
Common Scientific Facts- Important Scientific Phenomena- Other basic facts in the field of Science.- Etc
4. Current Affairs
Important World, National and Regional Events related to the Political and Scientific fields, Sports, Cinema and Literature etc.
5. Facts about India
Geography of India- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc Demography- Economic and Social Development-Poverty Alleviation-Economy and Planning-Etc History of India- Period from 1857 to 1947- National Movement- Etc.
6. Facts about Kerala
Geographical Facts- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc Renaissance of Kerala
Important Events/ Movements/Leaders Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, Chattampi Swami, Sree Narayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya, Ayya Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr. Palpu, Kumaranasan, Vakkom Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Etc 7. Constitution of India and Civil Rights Basic Facts-Features-Citizenship- Fundamental Rights & Duties- Directive Principle-Union Government- Legislature- State Executive - Union Territories- Apex Courts- Comptroller and Auditor General- Public Service Commissions and Other Important Offices- Important Amendments- Etc. Rights- Right to Education- Human Rights- Human Rights Commission- Right to Information- Information Commission- Social Audit- Lokayukta- Ombudsman- Women Empowerment- Women’s Commission- Legislation against Child Labour and Atrocities against women and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes- Etc.
8. General English
Grammar- Agreement of Subject and Verb- Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs- Comparison of Adjectives- Correct usage of Articles- Prepositions- Direct and Indirect Speech- Active and Passive Voice- Correction in Sentences-Etc Vocabulary- Gender- Singular and Plural- Synonyms- Antonyms- One word Substitutes- Problem concerning words- Idioms and their meanings-Etc
9. Malayalam Vyakaranam
10. Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Fundamentals of Computers- Internet Etc Cyber Laws
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
SUB ENGINEER (Electrical)
(CATEGORY NO. 486/2011 & 487/2011)
Electrical Circuits and Networks
Electric current, Voltage, Resistance- Definition and units, Laws of resistance- Sp: resistance- Conductance and Conductivity, Effect of temperature on resistance- Temp. coefficient. D. C. Circuits- Ohm’s law- series, parallel, series- parallel circuits.
Network theorems- Kirchoff’s Law, Super position theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton theorem- Electric power and Energy in DC circuits, their units etc.
Heating effect of electric current- Joules law
Electrostatics Magnetism
Static electricity- Absolute and relative permittivity of a medium, Dielectric constant- Laws of electrostatics. Electric field, Field strength, Electrostatic Induction- Electric flux density- potential and potential difference- potential of a charged sphere- Equipotential surfaces, Potential gradient- Breakdown voltage and dielectric strength.
Capacitor and Capacitance- Capacitance of an isolated sphere, spherical capacitor and parallel plate capacitor, variable capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel, Energy stored in a capacitor. Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis, Electroplating, primary and secondary cells, comparison of lead acid and alkaline cells, Initial charging and commissioning of new batteries, Charging methods, Ampere hour, and Watt hour efficiencies, Galvanizing and Anodizing, Extraction of zinc and aluminium, field application of Electrolysis. Absolute and relative permeability, Field strength magnetizing force, flux and flux density, Relation between flux density and magnetizing force, B. H. curve, Methods of magnetization. Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field- Magnetizing force of a long straight conductor, long solenoid.
Magnetic circuit- magnetomotive force, reluctance, Ampereturns, Permeanence, Reluctivity. Comparison of magnetic and electrical circuits- Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction- direction of induced emf and current, statically and dynamically induced emf. Expression for dynamically and statically induced emf, self and mutual inductance, Coefficient of coupling, Energy stored in a magnetic field.
AC Fundamentals Generation of alternating voltage and current- instantaneous values of voltage and current, Simple and complete waveforms, Definition of cycle, frequency, time period, amplitude value, average value, R. M. S value, form factor, peak factor, phase difference, relation between frequency, poles and speed.
AC through R, L and C- voltage, current, power, P. F in pure resistive, inductive, capacitive, single phase circuits- active, reactive and apparent power, Q- factor, Resonance in R- L- C circuits- parallel AC single phase circuits- vector, phasor method, resonance in parallel circuit-
Q- factor.
Generation of poly phase voltage- advantages, Phase sequence. Interconnection of three- phases, star and delta connection. Relation between phase and line voltages and current in star and delta- power in three- phase system in star and delta. Power, current and power factor in a three- phase balanced system. Balanced and unbalanced three- phase system. Balanced star- delta and delta- star conversion, Three- phase power measurement- single, three and two- watt meter methods.
Domestic Wiring
Define estimate- essential elements- calculation of conductor size- current rating of copper and aluminium cables- simple core- wiring accessories- layout preparation, wiring, diagram and estimates for house, office building, schools, cinema theatre.
Define terms used in illumination- Laws of illumination- various lighting schemes- illumination level for various places- space height ratio- utilization factor- Depreciation factor- Maintenance factor- Design of lighting schemes for various rooms- arrangements of lamps- design of flood lighting schemes. Types of lamps- incandescent- gas filled lamps, advantages over vacuum lamps- types of gases used- Arc lamps- Principle and uses- Hlaogen lamps- CFL working and uses- discharge lamps- sodium lamps- HMPV and LMPV lamps- neon lamps- fluorescent lamps and the field application of each. Earthing- purpose- I. S. rules regarding earthing- Types of earthing, rules regarding power circuit wiring- estimates and cost of materials regarding wiring pump set in single phase and three- phase systems- estimation and costing of control panel and wiring of small workshops- estimate
and costing of service connection wiring using U G cables and O H lines. Mechanical aspects of O H lines- electrical aspects of O H lines, Types of U G cables.
Extension of overhead lines- estimate and cost for extending single phase low tension
distribution lines- three phase distribution lines- street lighting using O H lines- U G cables- estimate and costing of 11 kV OH line extension.
Sub-station- I E rules regarding spacing of conductor- distance from building etc- materials used for erecting 11 kV sub-station- preparation of the distribution sub- station- 4 pole mounted sub- station- P length mounted sub- stations.
Define installation scheme for 2 large industry.
Designs of ratings of back- up fuse, ACBS, MCCB, busbar, cables, capacitor banks, generator, change over mechanism, transformer etc as per rules.
Electrical Heating
Electric heating and welding- advantages and types of electric heating- properties of resistance heating materials- design of heating elements- Resistance ovens- methods of temperature controls. Induction heating- Principle- factors affecting induction heating- induction furnace- coren type and core less type- high frequency eddy current heating- dielectric heating- equivalent circuit- loss angle application of dielectric heating- Arc furnace- direct and indirect types. Electric welding- types- resistance welding- spot welding- pre welding- seam welding- electric arc welding- electrical properties of negative resistance- types of arc welding- requirements of welding generators and transformers- use of reactor for control of welding current- third brush and bipolar welding generators- description.
Electrical Drives in Industry
Mechanical features of electric motor- frame size- relation between speed and frame size- types of enclosures.
Electric drives- classification of electric drives- group, individual and multimotor drives-
matching the drive with load- basic classes of duty- continuous- short time- intermittent periods duty, selection of electric drives- steel mills, paper mills, cement mills. Electric traction- system of electric traction- direct electric traction- diesel electric traction-
merits and demerits- factors affecting specific energy consumption.
Traction motors- DC and AC motors- properties and characteristics- control of DC motors- series parallel control systems of electric traction- DC single and three phase systems of supply- brief description.
Basic electro magnetic laws- EMF generation in a rotating machine- production of torque- concepts of electric machines- common features of electric machines- types of electrical machines- torque balance- power losses and efficiency- methods of ventilation and cooling machines. Principle and working of a practical generator and construction details- commutator assembly- emf equation- classification of generators based on methods of excitations, Armature windings- equalizer connections. Armature reaction- effects- commutation- methods of improving commutation. Generator characteristics . critical field resistance and critical speed- uses of DC generators.
DC motor principle- back emf- voltage equation- torque equation- Types of motors- motor characteristics for DC shunt, series and compound motors. Factors controlling motor speed- methods of speed control of shunt, series and compound motors. Starting of DC motors- Starters
Types and necessity.
Testing of DC motors- losses in DC machines- determination of efficiency- Swineborne test- advantages and disadvantages.
Conventional sources of energy- non conventional source of energy
Description of photovoltaic effect- Electro characteristics- Application of solar energy devices. Wind energy basics- classifications- wind energy turbines- conversion of wind energy to electrical energy brief idea. Application of wind energy devices.
Concepts of ocean energy- concepts of wave energy- methods hybrid cycles- physical principles- fixed devices and floating devices.
Electrical power generation-economic power-power factor improvement-transmission line elements-underground cables-sag in transmission lines-distribution system(ac and dc) Short circuit current calculation and fuses-circuit breakers-relays-protection of alternators, transformers, transmission line- earthing and lightning arresters
Synchronous generator-characteristics and parallel operation of alternators-voltage regulationsynchronous motors -single phase induction motors -fractional horse power motors-transformer principle-testing of transformers-special purpose transformers-principles of induction motorsspeed control of induction motors-theory of measuring instrument-measurement of power and energy-measurement of R,L,C-commercial measuring instrument-CRO and transducers
Resistor, capacitors , inductors, transformers (Types and their applications),basic network theorems, fundamentals of alternating current (Define waveform, time period, frequency and amplitude, phase difference, r.m.s. value, average value)
A.C. through resistors, inductors and capacitors, Q-factor of a coil, resonance in R-L-C -Series & parallel circuits, inductive reactance, capacitive reactance and impedance
Semiconductor materials, devices and circuits : Conductors, insulators & semiconductors, intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors Diodes & Rectifiers, different types of diodes, transistors, UJT,FET, integrated circuit, opto electronic devices, Power devices – SCR, diac & triac, Transistor Amplifiers : methods of inter stage coupling, tuned voltage amplifier, Audio power amplifiers, feed back amplifiers, Oscillators and Multi vibrators, Schmitt trigger, wave shaping circuits.
Digital electronics and Op-Amps :
Number systems & Digital Circuits, Boolean algebra, Introduction to logic theory, switching functions AND, OR, NOT,NAND NOR, EXOR operations, Logic families, Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Logic Circuits, Operational amplifiers(Circuits, Applications) Memories, Programmable Logic Devices. Communication systems. Modulation AM, FM, & PM, Radio Transmitters, Demodulation and Radio Receivers, Antennas, Microwave Communication, Satellite Communication, Fiber Optic communication, Mobile Communication.
Power electronics: Power control devices, Converters and inverters , Speed control of machines, Programmable LogiControllers, Voltage Regulators and Power Supplies.
Microprocessors and Micro controller family – 8051 : Micro Controller Architecture, Micro Controllers-interrupts & operation, Micro Controller Programming, Micro Controller Interfacing & Applications. Application, classification and working of computers : Functions of hardware and software components, working of memory and input – output devices, provisions of windows o s and word processing, Flow chart, Algorithm, Data Processing and Programming Methodology
PART III . Facts about India
Geography of India- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc
Demography- Economic and Social Development-Poverty Alleviation-Economy and PlanningEtc History of India- Period from 1857 to 1947- National Movement- Etc.
PART IV. Facts about Kerala
Geographical Facts- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc
Renaissance of Kerala Important Events/ Movements/Leaders
Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, Chattampi Swami, Sree Narayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya, Ayya Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr. Palpu, Kumaranasan, Vakkom Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Etc
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
(CATEGORY NO.302/2010 & 303/2010)
Logics and Proofs: propositions, conditional propositions and logical equivalences, quantifiers, proofs resolution, mathematical induction, Fundamental principles of counting, pigeonhole principle, countable and uncountable sets, principle of inclusion and exclusion, derangements, equivalence relations and partitions, partial order, lattices and Boolean algebra, generating functions, recurrence relations, solution of recurrences. Divisibility, gcd, prime numbers, fundamental theorem of arithmetic,Congruences, Fermat's theorem, Euler function, primality testing, solution of congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Wilson's theorem Graphs, Euler tours, planar graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, Euler's formula, applications of Kuratowski's theorem, graph colouring, chromatic polynomials, trees, weighted trees, shortest path algorithms, spanning trees, the max-flow min-cut theorem.
Framework for Algorithm analysis - Asymptotic notations - Iterating recurrences-Master Method-Analysis of algorithms: Sorting - Searching Algorithm design techniques - Backtracking - Branch and bound -Divide-andConquer: sorting - median finding - Dynamic Programming: knapsack - LCS - Martix chain multiplication - Optimal search trees-Scheduling problems - Greedy strategy: Set of intervals - Fractional knapsack- Huffmann coding Algorithms on graphs - BFS, DFS Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path, Floyd's algorithm for all pairs of shortest paths, Kruskal's and Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning tree NP Completeness: Matching - Search /Decision - SAT - Subset sum and Partition - Hamiltonian circuit -Reductions - Approximation algorithms for NP - Randomized algorithms.
Operating system concepts: System calls - Operating System Structure. Processes - Inter Process Communication - Race Conditions – critical Sections- Mutual Exclusion - Busy Waiting - Sleep And Wakeup -Semaphores - Monitors - Message Passing. Process Scheduling - First come First Served -Shortest Job First - Priority scheduling - Round Robin Scheduling - Multiple queues scheduling -Guaranteed scheduling - Two- level scheduling. Memory management: Multiprogramming and memory usage - Swapping - multiprogramming with fixed and variable partitions - Memory management with bit maps, linked lists, Buddy system - Allocation of swap space. File systems and Input/Output: Files - Directories - File system implementation - Security and Protection mechanisms. Deadlocks: Conditions for deadlock- Deadlock detection and recovery- Deadlock avoidance – resource trajectories - safe and unsafe states - Banker's algorithms - Deadlock prevention: Two phase locking - Non-resource deadlocks - Starvation. Case Studies: UNLX / LINUX, Windows Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence: History and Applications, Production Systems, Structures and Strategies for state space search- Data driven and goal driven search, Depth First and Breadth First Search, DFS with Iterative Deepening, Heuristic Search- Best First Search, A* Algorithm, AO* Algorithm, Constraint Satisfaction, Using heuristics in games- Minimax Search, Alpha Beta Procedure Knowledge representation - Propositional calculus, discrete- time Markov Chains - Continuous Markov Chains- Birth- death processes.
Game Theory: The formation of two-person - Zero-sum games - Solving simple games, games with mixed strategies, Graphical solution Procedure, Solving by LP. Inventory Theory: Inventory models - Deterministic periodic and continuous review models – Stochastic continuous review model.
Linear programming: Model and Assumptions - Solving LPP - Simplex method - Duality theory – Dual simplex method - Sensitivity analysis - Transportation and assignment problems Integer Programming: Branch and found Techniques - Binary Linear programming - Assignment & Travelling salesman problems -
Dynamic programming: Deterministic and Probabilistic Dynamic programming Queuing Model: Specification and measure of queuing systems - Structures of basic queuing systems - Definition and classification of stochastic processes- , AI Representational Schemes- Semantic Nets, Conceptual Dependency, Scripts,
Frames, Introduction to Agent based problem solving Machine Learning- Symbol based and Connectionist, Social and Emergent models of learning, The Genetic Algorithm- Genetic Programming, Overview of Expert
System Technology- Rule based Expert Systems, Introduction to Natural Language Processing.
Network Architecture: ISO-OSI and TCP protocol stack - Internet Architecture - Performance factors -
Connecting to a network: Links - Encoding - Framing - Error detection - Reliable transmission - Ethernet
Internetworking: Switching and bridging - Internet protocol - Routing Protocols - Multicast - MPLS - IPV6
End-to-End Protocols: UDP - TCP - TCP extensions - RPC - RTP Congestion Control: Resource Allocation - TCP Congestion Control - Congestion avoidance - QoS Application Protocols - Email - HTTP - Session Control - Naming Service - Network Management OBJECT ORIENTED MODELLING AND DESIGN Structural Modelling: Object Oriented Fundamentals, Basic structural Modeling,
UML Model, Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams, Packages and Interfaces, Case Studies. Behavioural and architectural Modelling: Use Case Diagrams, Interaction Diagrams, State Chart Diagrams, Collaborations, Design Patterns, Component Diagrams, Deployment Diagrams, Case Studies Object oriented Testing Methodologies: Implications of Inheritance on Testing, State Based Testing, Adequacy and Coverage, Scenario Based Testing, Testing Workflow, Case Studies, Object Oriented Metrics Components: Abuses of inheritance, danger of polymorphism, mix-in classes, rings of operations, class cohesion and support of states and behaviour, components and objects, design of a component, lightweight and heavyweight components, advantages and disadvantages of using components.
Divisibility, Division Algorithm, Euclidean Algorithm, Congruences, Complete Residue systems, Reduced Residue systems, Fermat's little theorem, Euler's Generalization, Wilson's Theorem, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Finite Fields, Primitive Roots - Primality Tests, Pseudoprimes, Carmichael Numbers, Fermat's
pseudoprimes, Euler pseudoprimes, Factorization by Pollard's Rho method, Simple Continued Fraction, simple infinite continued fractions - raditional Cryptosystem, limitations, Public Key Cryptography Diffie-Hellmann key exchange, Discrete Logarithm problem, One-way functions, Trapdoor functions, RSA cryptosystem, Digital signature schemes, Digital signature standards, RSA signature schemes - Introduction to Elliptic Curves - Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Geography of India- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc Demography- Economic and Social Development-Poverty Alleviation-Economy and Planning-Etc History of India- Period from 1857 to 1947- National Movement- Etc.
Geographical Facts- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc Renaissance of Kerala
Important Events/ Movements/Leaders Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, Chattampi Swami, Sree Narayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya, Ayya Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr. Palpu, Kumaranasan, Vakkom Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Etc
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
The Probability List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be included in the Ranked list, subject to the verification of original documents, for Selection to the post of DREDGER CLEANER in the scale of pay Rs.4510 – 6230 (PR) in IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT notified in the Gazette dated 31.03.2010 as Category Number 61/2010 for which an Objective type test (OMR) was held on 12/07/2012.
Post : Dredger Cleaner
Department : Irrigation Department
Category No.: 61/2010
Pay Scale : Rs.4510 – 6230/-
For more details visit Latest updates
The Probability List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be included in the Ranked list, subject to the verification of original documents, for Selection to the post of DREDGER CLEANER in the scale of pay Rs.4510 – 6230 (PR) in IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT notified in the Gazette dated 31.03.2010 as Category Number 61/2010 for which an Objective type test (OMR) was held on 12/07/2012.
Post : Dredger Cleaner
Department : Irrigation Department
Category No.: 61/2010
Pay Scale : Rs.4510 – 6230/-
For more details visit Latest updates
േà´•à´°à´³ à´µാà´Ÿà´° à´…േà´¤ാà´±ിà´±ിà´¯ിെà´² CA Gr II (à´•ാറഗറി നമര 350/12) തസിà´•à´¯ാà´¯ി One Time Registration വഴി à´…േപക സമരപിà´š à´‰േദയാà´—ാà´°à´¤ിà´•à´³ തങളെà´Ÿ à´…േപകയിà´² അവകാà´¶െപടിà´Ÿà´³ à´µിദയാà´à´¯ാà´¸ േà´¯ാഗയത, à´œാà´¤ി, വയസ് à´Žà´¨ിà´µ െതളിà´¯ികനതിനള പമാണങളെà´Ÿ സവയം à´¸ാà´•à´¯െപടതിà´¯ ശരിപകരപകള 25.07.2013 à´¤ീയതിà´¯് മമാà´¯ി "അണരെ സകടറി, LR I à´µിà´ാà´—ം, െà´•.à´ªി.à´Žà´¸്.à´¸ി, പടം" à´Žà´¨ à´µിà´²ാസതിà´² à´¹ാജരാേകണതാà´£് .
For more details Visit
For all the candidates,who is in the short ist of HSA(English) Calicut District(Category no:512/2011 to 516/11) which is published on 29-04-2013,will be having interview at Calicut District Kerala PSC office on 04-07-2013.Interview memo is already been sent.the candidates,who didn't receive the interview memo till 02-07-2013,should contact Kerala PSC Calicut District office.
For more details,visit
Senior Superintendent Motor Vehicles Detailed Syllabus Published
(Special Recruitment for SC/ST only)
(CATEGORY NO. 556/2012 )
(Special Recruitment for SC/ST only)
1. Quantitative Aptitude
Numbers-Test of Divisibility- H.C.F& L.C.M- Simplification - Ratio & Proportions- Percentage-Interest-Time& Work- Time& Distance- Area- Volume- Calendar – Clocks – Trains - Problems on Age - Etc.
2. Mental Ability and Test of Reasoning
Calculation & Logic -Coding & Decoding- Classification-Synonym-AntonymLetter & Number Series- Odd Man Out-Analogy- Common Sense Test- Alphabetical Arrangement of Words- Date and Calendar- Sense of Direction-Etc.
3. General Science
Common Scientific Facts- Important Scientific Phenomena- Other basic facts in the field of Science.- Etc
4. Current Affairs
Important World, National and Regional Events related to the Political and Scientific fields, Sports, Cinema and Literature etc.
5. Facts about India
Geography of India- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc Demography- Economic and Social Development-Poverty Alleviation-Economy and Planning-Etc History of India- Period from 1857 to 1947- National Movement- Etc.
6. Facts about Kerala
Geographical Facts- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc Renaissance of Kerala
Important Events/ Movements/Leaders Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, Chattampi Swami, Sree Narayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya, Ayya Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr. Palpu, Kumaranasan, Vakkom Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Etc
7. Constitution of India and Civil Rights
Basic Facts-Features-Citizenship- Fundamental Rights & Duties- Directive Principle-Union Government- Legislature- State Executive - Union Territories- Apex Courts- Comptroller and Auditor General- Public Service Commissions and Other Important Offices- Important Amendments- Etc.Rights- Right to Education- Human Rights- Human Rights Commission- Right to Information- Information Commission- Social Audit- Lokayukta- Ombudsman- Women Empowerment- Women’s Commission- Legislation against Child Labour and Atrocities against women and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes- Etc.
8. General English
Grammar- Agreement of Subject and Verb- Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs- Comparison of Adjectives- Correct usage of Articles- Prepositions- Direct and Indirect Speech- Active and Passive Voice- Correction in Sentences-Etc Vocabulary- Gender- Singular and Plural- Synonyms- Antonyms- One word
Substitutes- Problem concerning words- Idioms and their meanings-Etc
9. Malayala Vyakaranam
10. Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Fundamentals of Computers- Internet Etc Cyber Laws
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
Interview for the post of General Physiotherapist in the Health Service Department scheduled to be held on 25/06/13, 26/06/13 and 27/06/13 at Public Service Commission Office, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram.(Certificate Verification on 24/06/2013, 25/06/2013, 26/06/2013)
Interview memos have already been despatched to candidates who have submitted valid applications who are eligible to be called for Interview on the basis of marks obtained by them in the Written Test. Candidates may contact the Joint Secretary, Government Recruitment Wing, Public Service Commission Office, Pattom in case of non-receipt of any intimation pertaining to the same on or before 21/06/13.
For more details visit
The Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for Practical test for selection to the post of COBBLER on Rs.4,630-7000 (PR) in the Medical Education Department notified in the Gazette Dated 30.06.2009 as Category No.225/2009 for which an objective Type test (OMR Valuation) was held on 27/05/2010.
The Register numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective ranks on the basis of the marks secured in the OMR Test.
Click the link to get the details Short List
Kerala PSC has been published the notification for the post of Divisional Accountany in PWD.Click the below link to get the details Notification
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The list contains the names of candidates found suitable on the basis of the result of the Objective Type (OMR Valuation) Test held on 02.06.2012 and verification of original documents of candidates included in the probability list published on 18.04.2013 for the post of Lower Division Clerk (Special Recruitment for SC/ST) (Category No. 122/2011) on Rs. 5250 -8390 (PR) in the Various Departments in Kasaragod District for which notification for selection was published in the Gazette dated 31.05.2011, arranged in the order of merit. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 05.06.2013.
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(Special Recruitment for SC/ST Only )
(CATEGORY NO. 497/2011)
1. Social Work (MSW)
I. Community Organization : Definition, Philosophy, Principles, Scope and historical development – Community Organization as a social work method- Approaches to community organization – Role and skills of community organizer – similarities and difference between community organization and community development – community dynamics and leadership : Concept – types of community leaders and power structure of the community.
II. Phases, Methods and Models of Community Organ Organization : Study- analysis – assessment- ization discussion – organization – action – evaluation – modification – continuation – methods of community organization: Public Interest Litigation, Protest and Demonstration Models of Community Organization: Social Planning, Locality development and Social action + Eight models of Mary Weil and Neighborhood Development Model – System Change – Model – Structural Change Model.
III. Rural Development in the Planning Era : Community Development Programme of 1952 and National Extension Services: Objectives, Activities, Characteristics, Organisational and Administrative Structure and Evaluation – Rural Community Development – objectives, philosophy, principles and programmes - - -- Approaches and strategies to Rural Development – Rural Development Programmes under Five Year Plans – Hurdles to Rural Development. Concept of sustainability and sustainable development, Rural development policies in India.
IV. Panchayati Raj and Rural Development in India: Balwant Rai Mehta Committee and Democratic Decentralisation – Decentralisation attempts and the introduction of Panchayats in India and Kerala – 73rd
Kerala Panchayati Raj Act 1994, its amendments and characteristics – Three Tier Panchayats at Village, Block and District Level, Powers and Duties of Panchayats – Role of Gramasabha, Revenue Administration..
V. Programmes for Rural Development: Ongoing Programmes of Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of Government of India and Government of Kerala. Analysis of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), ICDS Scheme, Kudumbashree, Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA), National Rural Livelihood Mission for Rural Development. Constitutional amendment and its characteristics –
2.Sociology (MA)
I. Tribe: Definition – Characteristics – Geographical Distribution of Tribes in India – Tribal Zones – Classification of Tribes ( BK Roy Burman & Elwin) Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Social Anthropology – material and non-material culture – cultural lag – cultural evolution – cultural diffusion – norms – values
III. Tribal Institutions: Tribal Family, Features of Tribal Family – Tribal Economy – Characteristics of Primitive Economy – Organisation of Labour – Division of Labour – System of Exchange – Tribal Religion meaning – Theories of Origin of Religion – sacred and profane – magic – taboo – totemism – animism polity – political organization power – state – law and justice – evolutionary study by Morgan – kinship – types of kinship – joking
IV. Problems of STs : Indebtedness, land alienation, bonded labour, displacement and tribals – problems due to contact with civilization – educational problems – struggle during British period, Tribal movement in Kerala (Muthanga) – Jharkhand and Chipko movements – causes of unrest.
V. Tribal Welfare Programmes in India : Constitutional Safeguards – Tribal Welfare programme – ITDP, SCA, LAMPS, TRIFED, Asrama Schools, Mobile Hospitals, Tribal Hostels, Coaching Centres.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
KPSC-Clerk Cashier -Detailed Syllabus
(Special Recruitment for SC/ST )
CATEGORY NO. 558/2012
Theory and Principles of Co-operation
Concept of co-operation - Definitions of co-operation. Essential nature of co-operation, Values of co-operation. Objectives of co-operation - economic, social, ethical, political. Evolution of cooperation. Pioneers of co-operative movement-Robert Owen, Raiffeisen, Schultze, Rochdale Pioneers, ICA Principles of Co-operation.
2.Co-operative Movement in India
Genesis of co-operative movement in India - Nicholson's report - Co-operative legislation of 1904 & 1912-background and features. Co-operative development in post independence period - All India Rural Credit Survey Committee (1954), Committee to Review Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development (1981). Structure of co-operative movement in India- agricultural credit, non-agricultural credit, agricultural non-credit and nonagricultural non-credit. Strength and weaknesses.
3.Co-operative legal system
Selected provisions of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969-Registration, amendment of byelaws, amalgamation and division. Members of co-operative societies - rights and liabilities of members. Management of societies - general body, representative general body, election to the committee, Government nominees and supersession of committee. Properties and funds of co-operative societies - disposal of net profit, Settlement of disputes - disputes to be referred to registrar and arbitration court, decision and award on disputes, communication of orders and decisions -execution of awards and decrees. Winding up and dissolution of co-operative societies ~ liquidator, powers and liquidation procedure. Special Features of Multi-state Cooperative Societies Act, 2002.
4. Co-operative Banking in India
Organizations under short and medium term credit structure- PACS-DCB-SCB -objectives, functions, resources, lending operations. Organizations under long term credit structure - PCARDB-SCARDB- objectives, functions, resources, loan operations. Urban Co-operaiive Banks in India- objectives, functions, resources, loan operations. Employees Credit Cooperatives-objectives, functions, resources, loan operations. Role of NABARD in co-operative
5.Agri-business Co-operatives
Types of agri-business co-operatives - production, processing and marketing co-operatives. Dairy co-operatives - features of APCOS, Constitution and mode of operation of APCOS, Regional Unions and Federation. Dairy co-operatives in Kerala - evolution and functioning. Processing of agricultural commodities -paddy, coconut, rubber co-operatives in Kerala. Marketing co-operatives-objectivcs and functions, structure of co-operative marketing. Role of NAFED, NCDC&NDDB.
6.Co-operative Accounting
Salient features of co-operative accounting - co-operative accounting v/s. double entry and single entry accounting system. Books to be maintained by different types of co-operatives, important books commonly used in all co-operatives. Statements and returns to be furnished to the Registrar. Posting in general ledger and special ledger, reconciliation of balances of general and special ledgers. Preparation and recording of receipts and disbursement statement. Final accounts -manufacturing account, trading and profit and loss account, profit and loss appropriation account, reserves and provisions, balance sheet.
7.Co-operative Audit
Stages of audit work- preparation of audit programme, audit procedures, vouching and routine checking, verification and valuation of assets and liabilities, Reserves and provisions. Audit memorandum, audit classification, audit certificate, audit fees. Agencies for co-operative audit. Co-operative auditor- rights, duties, and responsibilities.
Types of Banks, Commercial Banking Systems, Functions of Commercial Banks, Credit creation by Commercial Banks, Reserve Bank of India – evolution, functions of RBI, Methods of credit control, Banker and Customer: general and special relationship between a banker and customer, negotiable instruments: different types.
9.Financial Management
Definition, objective and scope of Financial Management, Investment, Financing and Divident decision, Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements, Capitalisation, Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, Working Capital Management
10.Marketing Management
Marketing concepts, Market segmentation, positioning, product strategies, pricing strategies, promotion, physical distribution strategies
11.Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management; Objectives & Functions, Human resource Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Motivation, Performance Appraisal, Compensation Administration.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
The Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for Interview for selection to the post of Laboratory Technician Grade-II/Laboratory Assistant Grade-II (Category No.202/2010) in Animal Husbandry Department on Rs.6080–9830/-(PR) / Rs.5650-8790 (PR) in Palakkad District (Gazette Date: 31.07.2010) on the basis of the OMR test held on 15.12.2011.
The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way indicate their respective rank on the basis of the OMR Test. Each Register Number shall be prefixed by letter ‘P’ indicating Palakkad District.
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The Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for interview for selection to the post of Computer Gr.II (Scale of Pay Rs.6080-9830/- in Printing Department in Ernakulam District (Category No.338/2008) on the basis of the Objective type Test (OMR valuation) held on 25.05.2012 in response to the Gazette Notification dated 27/09/2008
The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not, in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test.
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The Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for interview for selection to the post of LECTURER IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION on Rs.8000-13500/-(PR) in KERALA COLLEGIATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (Cat.No.212/2008) notified in the Gazette dated 13.06.2008 on the basis of the Objective Type Test (OMR) held on 01.09.2012.
The Register numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way indicate their respective rank on the basis of the marks secured in the OMR test.
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Candidates can down load the admission ticket and instruction for candidates for the objective test of ECG Techncian Gr.II Health Services Department ,which is going to be conducted on 12-07-2-13 between 8 AM to 9.15 AM from Kerala PSC official website
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The list of candidates for selection to the post of VOCATIONAL TEACHER – OFFICE SECRETARYSHIP (NCA for MUSLIM, SC, ST, OBC, VISWAKARMA, SIUC N/AI) ON RS. 11070 - 18450/- (PR) IN VOCATIONAL HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATIONDEPARTMENT. interviewed and found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit for recruitment against NCA vacancies for MUSLIM,SC,ST,OBC, VISWAKARMA,SIUC N/AI communities. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 25.06.13 and will be valid until the candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies that arise due to the paucity of candidates during the currency of the Ranked List published on 30.12.06 for the above post.
Click the link to get the details KPSC _SECRETARYSHIP
The list of candidates for selection to the post of VOCATIONAL TEACHER–LIVE STOCK MANAGEMENT (NCA- for DHEEVARA) ON RS. 19240 - 34500/- IN VOCATIONAL HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT interviewed and found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit for recruitment against NCA vacancies for Dheevara community. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 25.06.2013 and will be valid until the candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies that arise due to the paucity of candidates during the currency of the Ranked List published on 17.04.2007 for the above post.
Click the link to get the details Ranked list
The list of candidates for selection to the post of ASSISTANT ENGINEER (AGRICULTURE) - SR for ST ON RS. 11070 - 18450/- (PR) IN AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT interviewed and found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 25.06.2013.
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Interview scheduled for the candidates who is in the short list of LAB TECHNICIAN GR II-HEALTH-CAT NO 406_2009 ,which is published on 15/01/2013,is given below. Interview will be at the Kerala PSC central office.The list of documents to be submitted at the time of verification is given below.
1)Passport Size Photo (à´‰ോദയോà´—ോà´°à´¤ിà´¯ുെà´Ÿ ോപരും, ോà´«ോോà´Ÿോ à´Žà´Ÿുà´¤ à´¤ീയതിà´¯ും പതിà´š ോà´«ോോà´Ÿോ)
2) Original Identity Proof
3) SSLC Book
4) Plus Two/Pre – Degree (Science subjects)
5) Degree Certificate (Science subjects)
6) Medical Laboratory Technician Training Course Certificate conducted by Medical Colleges in Kerala or Public Health Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram
7) Equivalency certificate for candidates who produce qualification other than those mentioned in item (6)
8) Community Certificate for SC/ST Candidates (2 Copies)
9) Non Creamy Layer Certificate issued after 16.12.2009
10) Pension Payment Order and Discharge Certificate for Ex-Service candidates
Click the below link to get the details Certficate verification interview schedule
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Click the link to get the details of additional interview programme for the month of July 2013 Additional Interview Programme
Name of post :-Village man Revenue
Category No:-508/2009
No of candidate admitted:-15
No of members:-1
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Revised interview programme for the month of July 2013 of district offices Kollam and Wayanad is given .Click the link to get the details Interview Programme Details
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