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1.Physiology and Micro biology
Digestive system, Cardio Vascular System and Reproductive system. Food Microbiology, food poisoning, food spoilage, food born infection, Diseases caused by Micro organism (a) Bacterial Pneumonia, Meningitis, Cholera, Syphilis, Diphtheria, Leprosy (b) Virus - AIDS, Rabies, German measles, Measles, mumps, polo mellitus (c) Amoebic dysentery, malaria
 2. Child development and Welfare
The neonates - Characteristics, abilities and adjustments, reflexes - agar test, neonatal care - Immunization, - Breast feeding Advantages. Importance of early stimulation, Discipline and guidance for children, preschool education - objectives, types, pre-school personnel, pre-school records. Child rearing practices of parents, parental attitudes, families influence on the personality and behavior development of children. Responsible parenthood (acceptance, injection and over protection), Population education definition problems of over population, small family norm, family planning, sex education, STD.
 3. Human Nutrition and dietics
Good Nutrition, Malnutrition, balanced diet, RDA, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, vitamins and minerals— Classification, functions, Sources and deficiencies, dietary fibre, Diet in fevers, Diarrhoea, constipation, Pregnancy, Lactation, Pre-school and adolescents. Meal planning, Therapeutic nutrition, Important National and International agencies.
 4. Extension education and communication
Extension Education, definition, need principles, philosophy, difference between formal, informal and extension education. Community development -objectives, history of community development programmes in India, Poverty alleviation programmes in India. Programme development - Planning execution and evaluation. Communication methods, Audio visual aids – classification
5. Basic food science
Food groups, cereals and cereal products, pulse and legumes, nuts and oil seeds, vegetables and fruits, milk and milk products, Meat, fish, egg and poultry, Beverages, spice and condiments - composition and nutrient value, selection of these foods and storage.
1.Family - Nature, composition, characteristics, types.-
Patriarchal and matriarchal family Joint family, extended family , nuclear family, merits and demerits of joint family Disintegration of joint family in India, changing role of family, modern trends.
2 . Social Problems
Domestic violence, alcoholism, dowry, dowry deaths, legislations related To dowry drug addiction, child labour, child abuse, rights of children, violence against Women , problems of elderly, social psychological and economic, social security measures Educated unemployment, and underemployment.
3. Developmental Issues. - Poverty alleviation programmes, consumerism, rural - urban Disparities, Environmental degradation- air pollution, water pollution, solid waste Management, climatic change, problems of induced displacement- social,economic, and cultural problems of displaced people.
4. Women and Development. Women in governance, gender issues, empowerment of Women, participation of women in socio political activities, women in panchayat raj Institutions, role of self help groups in socio economic development of women.
5.. Tools and Techniques of data collection- Primary and secondary data, observation-Participant and non participant, interview schedule, questionnaire, structured and Unstructured, open and closed questions and case study method.
1. Developmental Psychology (Human Behaviour in Social Environment: growth vs. development -developmental task (by Havighurst) - the biophysicalpsychological and socio-cultural changes happening during life span - Prenatal, Early Childhood, Late Childhood, Puberty, Adolescence, Young Adulthood, Middle Adulthood and Old Age - Hazards
2. Developmental Welfare Needs across the Life Span: Prenatal care -immunisation - breast feeding - parenting - preschool education - sex education and menstrual hygiene - prevention of substance abuse - vocational guidance - premarital counselling - career guidance and planning - retirement planning - bereavement
3. Family Counselling: Family as an Institution - dysfunctional families - Family Systems Theory - Enmeshment and Boundaries - Issues: separation, divorce, remarriage -Family Life Cycle: Independence, Coupling (marriage), Parenting: babies through adolescence, Launching adult children, Retirement - Family and Couple Therapy
4. Working with Groups - Groups - Types of groups: in-groups, out groups,primary, secondary and reference - Group Dynamics: dyads and triads, competition, conflict, cooperation and cohesion, coercion, accommodation - Stages of Group Formation -Social Group Work (working with groups) - social group work process (Intake, Study, Diagnosis, Programme Development, Implementation of the programme, Evaluation)
5. Reproductive Health & Family Planning: Adolescent Sexual Health (ARSH) -Contraception: temporary and permanent methods - factors affecting fertility -Infertility -STIs & HIV/AIDS - Safe Motherhood and Responsible Parenthood - Population Pyramids -Unwanted Pregnancy & Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.
1.Introduction to Psychology: Psychology-approaches to psychology: structuralism-functionalism-behaviorism-Gestalt psychology. Biological -psychoanalytic -Humanistic - Cognitive approaches-methods in psychologyobservation- case study-survey and experimental methods.
2.Biological basis of behaviour-Brain and behaviour- neuron- structure of neuronsynapse-neurotransmitters-CNS- Sensory and motor processing- cortical localizationlocalization of language-localization of perception.
3.Sensation Perception and Consciousness: Sensory thresholds-subliminal perceptionscolour perception-cues-Perception of form-pattern or objects-figure and Ground-0 contour-perceptual constancies-Size-shape- orientation-brightness-lllusions-type of lllusions-ESP-states of consciousness-biological rhythms-dream and sleep-ASCmeditation.
4.Psychological Processes :Learning: classical conditioning-operant conditioningcognitivelearning-observational learning-Memory: encoding-storage and retrieval process-sensory, short term and long term memories-chunking- working memorysemantic and episodic memory-explicit and implicit memory forgetting: decayinterference-repression-amnesia-mnemonics-cognitive process-Images and conceptsprototypes-language-deductive and inductive reasoning-decision making- problem solving-motivation-need, drive, incentives-biological and psychological motiveshierarchy of needs-extrinsic and intrinsic motives-intelligence-concepts of IQ.
5.Personality and Abnormal Behaviour: Approaches to personality- Major ideas of Freud's theory- assessment of personality-self report-projective measures-DSM-ICD classification-anxiety disorders-mood disorders- schizophrenia-personality disorders.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the  main topics listed  above, questions  from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post  may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the  topics above may be covered in the question paper.
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farishtha said...

i hav applied for the post before doing one time registration in psc site. i missed my bar code. wen i requested for the barcode through sms its saying that my application is not registered. pls anyone let me know how can i know whether my application is accepted and to get the barcode.

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